package kornell.gui.client.presentation.classroom.generic.details; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.logging.Logger; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import kornell.gui.client.presentation.admin.institution.AdminInstitutionPresenter; public class CourseDetailsTOBuilder { private final static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(AdminInstitutionPresenter.class.getName()); private String jsonString; private CourseDetailsTO courseDetailsTO; private enum ParseType { INFOS("infos"), HINTS("hints"); private String code; private ParseType(String code) { this.code = code; } public String getCode() { return code; } } public CourseDetailsTOBuilder(String jsonString) { this.jsonString = jsonString; this.courseDetailsTO = new CourseDetailsTO(); } public boolean buildCourseDetails(){ JSONValue jsonValue; JSONObject jsonObject; if(jsonString == null){ return false; } jsonValue = JSONParser.parseStrict(jsonString); if ((jsonObject = jsonValue.isObject()) == null) { logger.warning("Error parsing the JSON"); } boolean ret = true; for (ParseType parseType : ParseType.values()) { ret = ret && parseJSON(jsonObject.get(parseType.getCode()), parseType); } return ret; } private boolean parseJSON(JSONValue jsonValue, ParseType parseType){ JSONArray jsonArray; JSONObject jsonObject; JSONString type; JSONString text; if (jsonValue == null) { logger.warning("Error parsing the JSON"); return false; } if ((jsonArray = jsonValue.isArray()) == null) { logger.warning("Error parsing the JSON"); return false; } switch (parseType) { case HINTS: List<HintTO> hints = new ArrayList<HintTO>(); for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.size(); i++) { jsonValue = jsonArray.get(i); if ((jsonObject = jsonValue.isObject()) == null) { logger.warning("Error parsing the JSON"); return false; } jsonValue = jsonObject.get("type"); if ((type = jsonValue.isString()) == null) { logger.warning("Error parsing the JSON"); return false; } jsonValue = jsonObject.get("text"); if ((text = jsonValue.isString()) == null) { logger.warning("Error parsing the JSON"); return false; } hints.add(new HintTO(type.stringValue(),text.stringValue())); courseDetailsTO.setHints(hints); } break; case INFOS: List<InfoTO> infos = new ArrayList<InfoTO>(); for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.size(); i++) { jsonValue = jsonArray.get(i); if ((jsonObject = jsonValue.isObject()) == null) { logger.warning("Error parsing the JSON"); return false; } jsonValue = jsonObject.get("type"); if ((type = jsonValue.isString()) == null) { logger.warning("Error parsing the JSON"); return false; } jsonValue = jsonObject.get("text"); if ((text = jsonValue.isString()) == null) { logger.warning("Error parsing the JSON"); return false; } infos.add(new InfoTO(type.stringValue(),text.stringValue())); courseDetailsTO.setInfos(infos); } break; default: break; } return true; } public CourseDetailsTO getCourseDetailsTO() { return courseDetailsTO; } public void setCourseDetailsTO(CourseDetailsTO courseDetailsTO) { this.courseDetailsTO = courseDetailsTO; } }